Don’t Give the devil Room in Your Life

September 7, 2022

VERSE:  Ephesians 4:27 –  “Neither give place to the devil.”

The devil will take a mile if you give him an inch.  We must be careful that we do not make any room for the devil in our lives.  We must check our thoughts, our actions, and our beliefs to make sure they are in line with God’s Word and His will.  Too often we unintentionally give room for the devil to operate in our lives.  We do this by not keeping guard on our heart and our mind.  We expose our mind to things that we shouldn’t.  We allow thoughts and ideas to penetrate our mind that are contrary to God’s Word by the things we watch and read.  We engage in conversations that are focused on things of the world and not on things of God.  These seemingly innocent conversations and ways we spend our time are molding us and influencing us in a worldly manner instead of a Godly manner.  We must lock down our heart by guarding our minds and restricting the things we allow to penetrate our minds.  We must focus on God, His Ways, His Will, His commandments, His promises, and the things that lead us to Him, not things that pull us away from Him.  The Bible tells us in Philippians 4:8 that we are to think upon things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely and of good report. What we put in our mind affects our heart and it matters!  Remember Jesus loves you.  You are loved!

Prayer:  Jesus, thank you for always looking out for me.  Thank you for giving me peace and joy that the world can’t take away.  Help me to guard my heart from sinful thoughts and discipline my walk so that my life leads others to You.  Bring to my mind the behaviors I need to change to be more like You.  In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

© 2023 Woman at the Well Ministries