He Rolls the Stone Away

April 4, 2021

Sunday Encouragement from Woman at the Well Ministries
Sunday, April 4, 2021

Song: “Up from the Grave He Arose”
Robert Lowry

Low in the grave He lay, Jesus my Savior,
waiting the coming day, Jesus my Lord!

Up from the grave He arose;
with a mighty triumph o’er His foes;
He arose a victor from the dark domain,
and He lives forever, with His saints to reign.
He arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Christ arose!

Vainly they watch His bed, Jesus my Savior,
vainly they seal the dead, Jesus my Lord! [Refrain]

Death cannot keep its prey, Jesus my Savior;
He tore the bars away, Jesus my Lord! [Refrain]

VERSE:  John 20:1—“The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark, unto the sepulchre, and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulchre.”

Mary Magdalene, no doubt heartbroken, despondent, and hopeless, journeys to the tomb.  But, to her surprise when she arrives, the stone is rolled away.  Jesus is no longer in the grave where He was laid.  He has risen and in doing so He has defeated Hell, death and the grave.  Mary’s sadness was soon to be turned to gladness when she realized that Jesus was not dead.  He was alive.  In fact, He was standing right behind her.  You, too, can have your sadness turned to gladness as you allow God to roll away the stones that are present in your life.  The stones of despair, worry, anxiousness, doubt, and fear have no place in the life of a believer.  Jesus will roll the stone away if you but ask Him.  He is alive.  The grave could not hold Him.  Hell could not contain Him.  There is no power on earth that can take Him down.  You, yes you, have access to that same power through Jesus, the Son.  Believe on Him today.  Trust in Him right now and live for Him forever.   Remember, Jesus loves you.  You are loved!

Prayer: Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus, thank you for loving me enough to die for my sins and take my place on the cross of Calvary. Thank you for caring for me so deeply that You will roll all the stones away that come into my path.  Teach me to rely upon You.  Help me to call upon You for help in times of trouble. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

*Sunday and Wednesday encouragements are written for our friends in Assisted Living, who we are unable to see regularly, due to COVID. We pray they are a blessing for you as well!

© 2024 Woman at the Well Ministries