Go And Sin No More

February 10, 2021

Wednesday Encouragement from Woman at the Well Ministries
Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Song: “Neither Do I Condemn Thee”
By Lida M. Keck and J. M. Black

  1. By the crowd of worshipers, sorry for their sins,
    Was a poor wanderer, rudely brought in;
    Scribes came and Pharisees anxious to see
    What the meek Nazarene’s verdict would be.


Neither do I condemn thee, precious words divine,
From the lips of mercy like the sweetest chime.
Wonderful words of Jesus, sing them o’er and o’er,
“Neither do I condemn thee, go and sin no more.”

  1. 2. They told of her wanderings, making each flaw,
    Spoke of her punishment, quoting the law,
    Writing upon the ground sadly and slow,
    But said He unheedingly, head bending low.


  1. Still cried the Pharisee’s “pray Master pray
    What shall we do with her, what doth Thou say
    Then said he rebukingly let the first stone
    Come from the sinless hands, hence and alone


  1. Cheeks flushing with the shame, turning about
    And from His presence, walking slowly out
    Then sae we standing there, head bending low
    He who the world despised, bade her sin no more. 

  2. Chorus
  3. Spoke He most tenderly, pray, woman, pray,
    Hast thou no accusers?” “nay, Master, nay,”
    “Neither do I condemn thee, soul, sick and sore;
    Go forth, I pardon thee, go and sin no more.

VERSE:  John 8:11 “…And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee:  go, and sin no more.”

The woman, referred to in John chapter 8, was caught in the act of adultery.  The crowd of so-called believers around her wanted to stone her.  They were demanding she pay for her sins.  But Jesus forgave her and released her telling her to cease her sinning. Each of us has found ourselves in need of God’s forgiveness.

All of us have sinned and must come to Him for salvation (Romans 3:23).  But His forgiveness doesn’t end there.  Every day we must ask Him for forgiveness as we give in to temptation, neglect to spend time with Him or clothe ourselves in the things and ways of the world.  It is easy to walk contrary to God’s will and direction even when not intending to do so.  We must be sober and vigilant (I Peter 5:8).  We must check our motives, our behaviors and our desires against God’s Word and His plan for our lives.  Perhaps, you are like the crowd of worshippers demanding payment for sins people have committed.  Perhaps, like them, you are judging others trying to make yourself look better.   If so, take this example to heart.   Know that Jesus, the only one capable of condemning someone, didn’t condemn the woman nor require payment for her sins.  Instead, He forgave her, just as He forgives you, if you ask.  Maybe you are like the woman and have committed some sin you feel is unforgivable.  Again, look to Jesus.  Take to heart His response in this account of a woman caught in sin in John 8.  He forgave her when she admitted her wrongdoing.  All He required of her was to repent and sin no more.  His forgiveness is complete and available to all.  I John 1:9 tells us that He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness, when we confess our sins to Him.  So, today, whether you see yourself as the crowd, who is judgmental or whether you see yourself as the woman who has committed sin, look to Jesus.  Admit the error of your ways, ask Jesus to forgive you and walk away from your sin.  True repentance means sinning no more and true repentance results in complete forgiveness.  Jesus paid the penalty for all our sins and wishes that none should perish but that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9).  Remember Jesus loves you.  You are loved!


Prayer: Oh Lord, my God, when I think of Your love for me, my heart overflows.  Words fail me in expressing my gratitude for Your continual watch care over me and Your endless supply of blessings for me.  I am amazed that You love me unconditionally and despite all my failings and shortcomings.  My mind can hardly comprehend the depth of Your forgiveness and the breadth of your love.  Thank you seems so inadequate and perhaps it is.  But, God, all I possess to give to You is my life, my desires and my dreams.  Take them Lord and make them wholly Thine.  Fill me, use me and mold me into what You would have me be.  In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

*Sunday and Wednesday encouragements are written for our friends in Assisted Living, who we are unable to see regularly, due to COVID. We pray they are a blessing for you as well!

© 2023 Woman at the Well Ministries