Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled

July 5, 2020

Sunday Encouragement from Woman at the Well Ministries
Sunday, July 5, 2020

Song: “Mansion Over the Hilltop”

Author:  Ira Stanphill

I’m satisfied with just a cottage below, A little silver and a little gold, But in that city where the ransomed will shine, I want a gold one that’s silver lined

REFRAIN: I’ve got a mansion just over the hilltop, in that bright land where we’ll never grow old, And some day yonder we’ll never more wander, But walk on streets that are purest gold

Though often tempted, tormented and tested, And like the prophet, my pillow is stone, And though I find here, no permanent dwelling, I know He’ll give me a mansion my own

REFRAIN: I’ve got a mansion just over the hilltop, in that bright land where we’ll never grow old, And some day yonder we’ll never more wander, But walk on streets that are purest gold

Don’t think me poor or deserted or lonely, I’m not discouraged ‘cuz I’m Heaven bound, I’m just a pilgrim in search of a city, I want a mansion, a robe, and a crown

REFRAIN: I’ve got a mansion just over the hilltop, in that bright land where we’ll never grow old, And some day yonder we’ll never more wander, But walk on streets that are purest gold

VERSE:  John 14:1-2, “Let not your heart be troubled:  ye believe in God, believe also in Me.  In my Father’s house are many mansions:  if it were not so, I would have told you.  I go to prepare a place for you.”

Let not your heart be troubled!  Do you believe in God?  Do you believe in Jesus?  Have you thought about what it means to believe in God and His Son Jesus?  Let’s think about it for a minute.  God is all powerful, all knowing, all loving and all merciful.  Jesus loves you so much that He died for you and ever lives to make intercession for you. Now reflect on these truths.  Since God is all powerful, all knowing, all loving and all merciful, then you have nothing to worry about.  Nothing is going to happen to you or come your way that He can’t or won’t handle.  He proved that when He gave His Son for your ransom from sin.  Nothing is too big or too small for your God.  He is personal.  He is willing and He is able to meet your every need.  Let not your heart be troubled!  You have nothing to worry about.  You are protected and greatly cared for.  Remember, Jesus loves you.  You are loved!

Prayer:  Dear Lord, I am so very thankful that your love for me is endless. I am so grateful that you know my needs before I even ask, and you are always ready, willing and able to meet them.  Lord, teach my heart to dwell on your goodness and stay in your presence.  I love you and I praise you.  In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

*Sunday and Wednesday encouragements are written for our friends in Assisted Living, who we are unable to see regularly, due to COVID. We pray they are a blessing for you as well!


© 2023 Woman at the Well Ministries