
February 14, 2013

Love is such a wonderful topic to think about, isn’t it?! Often when it comes to February I think about when I was in show choir in high school. Ahh, the good old days 🙂 Every year close to Valentine’s Day we would offer “Singing Valentines” to anyone in the school. Probably more often than not, most students would sign up for us to sing to a friend in front of their whole class merely to embarrass them, but it was fun nonetheless! One year, I was part of a quartet that sang “L.O.V.E.” by Nat King Cole. My part was the “E,” and the chorus of the song is this: “L is for the way you look at me. O is for the only one I see. V is very, very extraordinary. E is even more than anyone that you adore.”
While the lyrics throughout the song speak about a typical romantic-type relationship, the chorus can speak to our relationships with God. Let’s take it letter by letter. L: think about the way God looks at each of us! The Bible says that we are the apple of His eye in Psalm 17:8. He looks at us in the most loving way we could ever imagine. By the same token, we ought to look to God ourselves in everything we do. Oftentimes we do not, but how could we take for granted the mighty ways He looks after us?!
O: God is the only One we need to set our eyes on. The Bible says to “Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth,” (Colossians 3:2). He needs to come first in our lives. When God is our top priority, He will surely bless us. Not to have too many acronyms in this one little devotion, but…J-O-Y: Jesus first, Others second, and Yourself last. That is a tried and true statement, attesting to the fact that the Lord should remain our main focus in life.
V: Saying that God is very, very extraordinary is an understatement! We serve an awesome God who is great and mighty. We know that He and only He is all-powerful: “For the Lord God omnipotent reigneth,” according to Revelation 19:6b. He is omnipresent, meaning everywhere at all times. He is watching us from Heaven above yet He lives in each of our hearts, no matter what geographical region we are in. The writer of Proverbs simply says, ” The eyes of the Lord are in every place, (Proverbs 15:3a.). Lastly, God is all-knowing. He is omniscient! Isn’t that amazing to know that He knows it all – past, present and future? He knows the big stuff and even the small stuff. In Matthew, Jesus tells us, “But the very hairs of your head are all numbered,” (Matthew 10:30).
E: God loves us more than anything! We also ought to adore and love God more than any other person or thing the world has to offer. He deserves every single second of our time, praise, and service to Him. Not to mention all the time we waste on other activities, most of them being mindless at that. There is a wonderful song by Point of Grace titled, “God loves people more than anything.” How absolutely true is that?
Love is such a great topic to think about, write about, and explore. Let’s love like God loves us!

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