Morning Routines

May 2, 2012

Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee” (Psalm 143:8)

What’s your morning routine? If you’re like many people, you awaken begrudgingly to an alarm clock, hit the snooze once or twice, and then drag yourself out of bed to the shower or coffee pot. But when do you say good morning to Jesus? If you see someone as you awaken, perhaps a spouse or a child, you say “good morning”, don’t you? We so often forget, though, to say “good morning” to Jesus. We may get our coffee and sit down with our Bibles for our morning devotion, but often that’s a long time since our waking. In that time, we’ve thought about our days and made decisions. Unfortunately, many of us have walked out the door before even acknowledging Jesus.

What a loss to not begin our day with Jesus, and what pain it must bring Him as we ignore Him as we start our day. He’s our Saviour and our Friend and He wants a relationship with us! This means that as we awaken in the morning, we should talk to Him! Relationships involve talking and communicating. So, we need to start that talking and communicating first thing in the morning. “Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee” (Psalm 143:9).

What happens when we talk to God and approach Him first thing in the morning? Well, look at Psalm 143:8. When we come to Christ in prayer first thing in the morning we can hear reminders of His love and kindness, which He so greatly bestows upon us. We get our marching orders for the day. Jesus knows the way in which we are supposed to walk throughout each day. How’s that for an early morning encounter? We can come to the God of the Universe first thing in the morning to hear just how much we are loved and then to find out the steps that we are to take throughout the day. What a blessing!

Psalm 42:8 tells us a little more about God’s lovingkindness. “Yet the LORD will command his lovingkindness in the daytime, and in the night his song shall be with me, and my prayer unto the God of my life” (Psalm 42:8). This verse shows us the blessings of coming to Christ throughout the day. We can come to God and receive His lovingkindness in the daytime and as we go to sleep at night His song, the song of His love, will be with us. Our prayers, our very conversations, with the God of the Universe cause us to know Him and in turn feel His presence in our lives. Now, this is not to say that we are not to talk to God throughout the day, for even I Thessalonians 5:17 commands us to, “pray without ceasing.” The times in which we awaken and just before we go to sleep, however, are special times when we are set apart from the world and times when conversations with Jesus are particularly sweet.

The love of God is something that we cannot miss and something that we can never miss a chance to catch a glimpse of. When we reach out to God, and grab the hem of His garment, we get a touch of His grace, mercy, and love. Friends, start each day with Him. In this way, before your feet hit the floor you can have a touch of His love to start your day. Coffee cannot compare with the boost that comes with a conversation with the Saviour.

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